Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Epson Stylus CX1500v All-in-One Printer Driver

Driver Impressora Epson Stylus CX1500v All-in-One

  • Epson Stylus CX1500v All-in-One_driver

    Printer Driver v5.5bA
    06/01/05 5.8 MB epson11436.exeDownload

    Description: This self-extracting file contains the Epson Stylus CX1500 Printer Driver for Windows XP and 2000 (Printer Driver v5.5bA, Core Driver Disk v5.51). The Epson Status Monitor 3 is incorporated into this driver. This file self-extracts to your hard drive and is placed in c:\epson\epson11436.

    Important: After installing this Printer Driver, please download and install the TWAIN Driver before plugging in the printer. Compatible Systems: Windows XP 32-bit, Windows 2000
  • TWAIN Driver and EPSON Scan Tool Light Utility v1.05
    05/25/05 12.4 MB epson11441.exeDownload

    Description: This self-extracting file contains the Epson Stylus CX1500 EPSON Scan Tool Light Utility and TWAIN Driver v1.05. This file extracts to your hard drive and is placed in c:\epson\epson11441.
    Compatible Systems: Windows XP 32-bit, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98

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